馬爹利赤木 Martell VSOP 700ml #MVB700YKD



香港行貨 在馬爹利之家,我們專門在細粒橡木桶中陳釀生命之水,以微妙地增強我們採用特定蒸餾方法精製而成的烈酒的精緻果香。 當桶子被稱為「紅色」時,指的是陳年木材的紅色,這意味著它的木材和酒都達到了完美的成熟階段。這些木桶非常珍貴,馬爹利會非常秘密地保存它們! 對於馬爹利VSOP“紅桶”,我們的釀酒師只選擇了“紅色細紋橡木桶”來陳釀這款干邑,以突出馬爹利特有的陳釀風格:增強的蜜餞果香通過這種非常濃鬱的干邑表現而閃耀。 在紅桶中陳釀後,其銅色的色調在不知不覺中展開,點綴著金色的反光,賦予其獨特的光澤。 起初,香氣圓潤清新,充滿濃鬱的果香。新鮮的黃色核果(如櫻桃李和小雷納克洛德)的香氣被微妙的醇厚木香輕輕包裹。 一旦開始流動,其香氣的力量就會增強並加深,並伴隨杏子或藤桃等肉質水果的香氣。 口感飽滿、寬廣,並散發出同樣濃鬱的果香——小李子、蜜月桃子和杏子的味道。黃褐色木桶的木質香甜香料的微妙香氣奇妙地增強了果香的味道——同樣的木桶在生命之水的表現力和香料香調的精緻之間創造了完美的平衡。 在紅桶中陳釀——果香濃鬱、精緻而精緻。 At Martell House, we age exclusively our eaux-de-vie in fine grained oak barrels, in order to enhance subtly the delicate fruit aromas of our spirits, crafted from our specific distillation method. When a barrel is called 〞Red”, a reference to the redish color of an aged wood, it means it got to the perfect stage of maturation for both the wood and the spirit. Those barrels are so precious that Martell will keep them very secretly! For Martell VSOP 〞red barrels”, our Cellar Master selected only 〞red fine grained oak barrels” to age this cognac, in order to highlight Martell specific ageing style: enhanced candied fruit aromas shining through this very intense cognac expression. AGED IN RED BARRELS imperceptibly unfurls its coppery tones speckled with reflections of gold that give it a unique brilliance. At first, the bouquet is round and fresh, run through by intense fruity notes. The aromas of fresh yellow stone fruits, like cherry plum and baby Reine-Claude, are gently coated by subtle mellowed woody notes. Once in motion, the power of its aromas grows and gains depth, with fleshier fruits such as apricot or vine peach chiming in. In the mouth, it has a full, broad attack and unveils the same intense fruity tones –small plums and Honeymoon peaches and apricots. The fruity flavours are marvelously enhanced by delicate notes of sweet spices from the wood of the russet barrels – the very same barrels that create that perfect balance between the expressiveness of the eaux-de-vie and refinement of the spiced notes. Aged in Red Barrels – fruitiness, finesse and utter delicacy.

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