貴州 - 貴州茅台醇星座系列 - 射手座 375ml 53% Kweichow Moutai Chun Zodiac Series - Sagittarius 375ml 53%

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香港行貨 茅台醇星座酒,造型別緻,獨特的瓶身設計和科技化包裝都將以更加年輕時尚的酒類新元素,直抵年輕人內心,被譽為用星空的身體盛放白酒之心,透出悠長哲學味道。 在人生每一個高光時刻、迂迴轉折、靜水深流、波瀾壯闊之節點,都能帶著這款雋永柔和的時尚新品,與友人推杯換盞暢快抒懷,點亮夜空中亮的那顆星。 柔和醬香型白酒突出柔和口感,兼容綿、爽、淨,從這一點來說,茅台醇·星座酒比只在包裝上打概念的白酒更勝一籌。 雖然是針對年輕人,但是茅台醇星座酒的包裝設計毫不眼。兩種色彩拼接的酒盒走的小清新路線,白色酒瓶上是對應12星座的簡潔素描圖案,射手座就畫一個射手,水瓶座就畫一個水瓶,再加上53%Vo的酒精度,375m的容量,這款茅台醇·星座酒拒絕了喝低度“耍酒”,個性張揚的群體。 Moutai Chun Constellation Liquor, unique in shape, unique bottle design and technological packaging, will use more youthful and fashionable new elements of alcohol to reach the hearts of young people. Philosophical taste. At every highlight moment, twists and turns, still waters, deep waters, and magnificent nodes in life, you can bring this timeless and soft fashionable new product, and exchange cups with friends to express your feelings freely, and light up the bright star in the night sky. The soft sauce-flavored liquor highlights the soft taste and is compatible with cotton, refreshing and clean. From this point of view, Moutai Chun Constellation Liquor is better than the liquor that only has a concept on the packaging. Although it is aimed at young people, the packaging design of Moutai Chun Constellation Liquor is unremarkable. The two-color spliced wine box takes a small and fresh route. The white wine bottle is a simple sketch pattern corresponding to the 12 constellations. Sagittarius draws a Sagittarius, Aquarius draws a water bottle, plus the alcohol content of 53% Vo, With a capacity of 375m this Moutai Chun · Constellation Liquor refuses to drink low-level "wine" and has a strong personality.
