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梅見青梅酒 (原味) 12% 330ml • MeiJian Green Plum Wine (Original Flavor) 14% 330ml
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酸甜交織,果香充盈,入口愉悅 酸與甜在口中碰撞交織,不斷地按摩著味蕾,令人愉悅 前調是酸甜的梅香,細品有淡淡的清爽酒香,再回味是略帶焦糖味的甜香 酒色金黃,淡雅梅香與花果香,口感酸甜清爽,唇齒生津,一飲而下,愉悅味蕾。 酒色金黃,梅香與花果香,酸甜交織,入口愉悅 香味:淡雅 口感:清爽 精選廣東普寧軟枝大粒青梅 中國國家地理標誌產品。普寧青梅以其果大、肉厚、核小、酸度高;果皮柔韌、不易破損、肉質柔軟、曬乾率高、色澤鮮豔、成品保色期長等優點而著稱,譽滿海內外。 1)清明後20天內完成採摘 嚴格把控採摘時限,保證梅果原料新鮮 2)挑選大個梅果 果大肉厚,原料青梅風味更加豐裕 3)酸度高,適宜釀酒。 Sweet and sour intertwined, full of fruity aroma, pleasant in the mouth The sourness and sweetness collide and intertwine in the mouth, constantly massaging the taste buds, which is very pleasant. The top note is the sweet and sour plum fragrance, and the aftertaste is a light refreshing wine aroma, and the aftertaste is a sweet aroma with a slight caramel flavor. The wine has a golden color, elegant plum aroma, floral and fruity aroma, and a sour, sweet and refreshing taste that will make your lips and teeth salivate. One sip will delight your taste buds. The wine is golden in color, with aromas of plum, flowers and fruits, sweet and sour, and a pleasant entrance. Fragrance: light and elegant Taste: Refreshing Selected Guangdong Puning soft branches and large green plums China’s national geographical indication product. Puning green plum is famous for its large fruit, thick flesh, small core, high acidity, flexible peel, not easily damaged, soft flesh, high sun-drying rate, bright color, and long color retention period of the finished product, and is well-known at home and abroad. 1) Complete picking within 20 days after Qingming Festival Strictly control the picking time limit to ensure the freshness of plum fruit raw materials 2) Choose large plums The fruit is large and fleshy, and the green plum raw material has a richer flavor. 3) High acidity, suitable for wine making.
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