明石鯛純米大吟醸原酒 16% 720ml Akashi-Tai Junmai Daiginjo Genshu 16% 720ml

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~ Kura Master 2020 - 白金獎 「純米大吟釀原酒」是我們知名的「Grand Cru」清酒系列中的一支,團隊在這款清酒上額外投注了不少心力。我們特別去除山田錦米中最濃郁的風味,創造出一支花香味十足、香氣別緻的清酒,它略帶鹹味,富有礦物質的香氣。 ~ 酒米:山田錦(兵庫縣產,Grand Cru) ~ 精米步合:碾米率:38% ~ 酒精度:16% 品嚐筆記: 酒香在鼻腔內迸發,有瓜果、檸檬、苦橙、鼠尾草的香氣,以及細緻的草本香氣。在口腔中的風味相當平衡;餘韻綿長,帶有檸檬和苦橙的香氣。 食物搭配:辣味韃靼生鮪魚,魷魚沙拉佐薑汁與芝麻油,烤鯛魚或其他白肉魚,烤藍龍蝦或其他海鮮貝類 服務建議:7C〜15C ~ Kura Master 2020 - Platinum Award "Junmai Daiginjo Original Sake" is one of our famous "Grand Cru" sake series, and the team has put a lot of extra effort into this sake. We specifically removed the strongest flavors from Yamada Nishiki rice to create a floral, distinctive sake that is slightly salty and rich in mineral aroma. ~ Sake rice: Yamada Nishiki (produced in Hyogo Prefecture, Grand Cru) ~ Rice polishing step combination: Rice milling rate: 38% ~Alcohol content: 16% Tasting notes: The aroma of the wine bursts into the nose, with aromas of melon, lemon, bitter orange, sage, and delicate herbal aromas. The flavors are quite balanced in the mouth; the finish is long with notes of lemon and bitter orange. Food pairings: Spicy raw tuna tartare, squid salad with ginger dressing and sesame oil, grilled snapper or other white-fleshed fish, grilled blue lobster or other seafood and shellfish Serving recommendations: 7C~15C

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