尊尼獲加 黑牌12年威士忌 700ml (無盒) Johnnie Walker Black Label 12 year Scotch Whisky 700ml (no giftbox)

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原產地 : 蘇格蘭, 英國 葡萄品種 : Malted Barley, Malted Grains 甜度 : Dry 食物配搭 : Drink Neat 豐富、複雜且極其平衡,充滿深色水果、甜美的香草和標誌性的煙燻味。它專門由陳釀至少 12 年的威士忌調配而成,匯集了複雜、深邃且令人回味的風味。濃鬱的甜香草味逐漸被橙皮、香料和葡萄乾的香氣所取代,餘味令人難以置信的順滑,並帶有濃鬱的煙熏、泥炭和麥芽的層次感。 Rich, complex and incredibly well-balanced, full of dark fruits, sweet vanilla and signature smokiness. Blended exclusively from whiskies matured for at least 12 years, it brings together flavours that is complex, deep and rewarding. Intense sweet vanillas that give way to orange zest and aromas of spice and raisins, the finish is unbelievably smooth and layered with rich smoke, peat and malt.

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